IIT JEE Exam Paper Pattern Mains + Advanced 2025
IIT JEE Negative Marking Scheme

IIIT JEE Exam Paper Pattern Mains and Advanced 2025
IIIT JEE Marking and Negative Marking Scheme

IIIT JEE Exam Paper Pattern Mains + Advanced 2025 - IIIT JEE Marking and Negative Marking Scheme

IIT JEE Exam Paper Pattern Mains + Advanced 2025 - IIT JEE Marking / Negative Marking Scheme

JEE Exam Paper Pattern Mains + Advanced | JEE Marking / Negative Marking Scheme : IIT JEE is a national level engineering entrance exam consisting of two stages – JEE Main & JEE Advanced. JEE Main is a screening exam to select the candidates who will be eligible to appear for JEE Advanced, which will serve as final exam to select candidates for admission into prestigious IITs.

JEE Mains Exam Paper Pattern 2025

JEE Main is an entry-level exam with a lower level of difficulty. It comprises of two papers. The Paper 1 is conducted for admission to Undergraduate Engineering Programs at NITs, IIITs, CFTIs and other prestigious institutions. It is also an eligibility test for JEE Advanced, which is conducted for admissions to IITs. The Paper 2 is conducted for admission to B. Arch. and B. Planning courses.

Due to COVID 19 crisis, for 2025, JEE Main will be conducted in multiple sessions from February ’21.

  • JEE Main Paper 1 is conducted in online mode in subjects of Physics, Chemistry and Mathematics, for the duration of 3 hours.
  • There are total 90 questions containing 30 questions from each subject (20 MCQ + 10 numerical). Out of these 90 questions, candidates need to attempt any 75 questions i.e. 25 questions from each subject.
  • For MCQ type of questions, each correct answer will be given +4 marks and for each incorrect answer -1 will be given. No marks will be deducted for unattempted questions. In case of numerical type of questions, each correct answer will be given +4 marks. No negative marking for incorrect or unattempted questions.
  • Total marks for JEE Main Paper 1 are 300.

JEE Advanced Exam Paper Pattern 2025

Admission into various undergraduate programs across IITs is through JEE Advanced.

  • It is an objective type online examination consisting of two papers of three hours duration each. Both these papers are compulsory.
  • Paper-1 and Paper-2 will each have three separate sections on Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics. All questions will be of Objective Type, designed to test aptitude, comprehension and analytical ability of the candidates.
  • Questions will be both MCQs and Numerical value based type. Paper pattern as well as number of questions asked is not fixed and changes every year.
  • Marking scheme is not fixed and changes every year. Negative marks may be awarded for incorrect answers for some of the questions.

From your study pattern and reference books to the way you solve the paper, all can go a long way in helping you achieve your IIT dream. Here are a few tips you should follow in your IIT JEE preparation, which if done properly, can be a game changer.

IIT JEE is one of the toughest technical exams that require a lot of hard work and a better strategy to crack the exam. Here are a few tips you should follow in your IIT JEE preparation, which if done properly, can be a game changer.

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